Welfare Meetings

Zero-stress Welfare Meeting Guidance

Long-term absences can pose a whole host of challenges for employers and business owners. Colleagues might have to take on extra tasks in the employee’s absence. Business flow and productivity could suffer. Alternative arrangements might have to be made, costing you time and money. 

One useful way to address a long-term absence is to hold a welfare meeting. And who better to guide you through that meeting than the experts. 

Long-term absences can pose a whole host of challenges for employers and business owners. Colleagues might have to take on extra tasks in the employee’s absence. Business flow and productivity could suffer. Alternative arrangements might have to be made, costing you time and money. 

One useful way to address a long-term absence is to hold a welfare meeting. And who better to guide you through that meeting than the experts. 

Book a call with a consultant

Complete the form below and a consultant will call you as soon as possible.
Welfare IMG 1

Here’s how we help…

Graphite knows the questions to ask in a welfare meeting. We know how to get to the root of the issue and study it from all angles before presenting our findings and final decision. 


One of our expert consultants can either conduct the welfare meeting on your behalf or attend your workplace via Graphite Face2Face to facilitate and support you in the meeting. Whichever option you choose, you can be sure that our consultant will have the best interests of the business in mind, even if that means accommodating the employee through their return to the workplace.

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